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Getwid Base – Free Gutenberg WordPress Theme

Getwid Base is a free Gutenberg WordPress theme for multipurpose personal and business websites of any scale. It is the official starter theme for the Getwid Gutenberg blocks plugin. This powerful and versatile WordPress theme paired with our custom-crafted blocks for the WordPress editor is ready to make your website building experience smooth and rich. […]

Albatross – High-Quality Free WordPress Hotel Theme

Albatross is a nifty and elegant free WordPress hotel theme. It’s dedicated to building rental property sites for any accommodation type, ranging from a hotel with multiple rooms to urban and rustic vacation rentals. The Albatross WordPress hotel template is backed by two powerful plugins: MotoPress Hotel Booking for online bookings, property search, availability calendars, […]

How to Pick the Best Free WordPress Themes

WordPress themes are widely varied, with different designs, functionalities, and purposes. There are universal themes that suit almost any website, but there are also themes built for specific niches, like eCommerce sites, portfolios, or blogs. We’ve included a wide variety of themes, making sure there’s one for everyone. While all of them are free, some […]

5 Best WordPress Security Plugins to Keep Your Site Secure

WordPress (WP) is the most popular and widely used blogging platform. It supports every kind of website, from a simple blog to a full-featured business website. Twenty-six percent of all websites globally use WordPress. As a result of this popularity, hackers and spammers have taken keen interest in breaking the security of WP-operated sites.

كيف تربح المال موسوعة كاملة بافكار مدهشة تجعلك من الأغنياء

 $$ كيف تربح المال $$ إن السر في جمع المال لا يكون بالضرورة من العمل في وظيفة ذات راتب كبير ولكنه يكمن في القدرة على وجود حلول لمتطلبات الناس ومشاكلهم، وهذا لا يتطلب أن يكون لديك قدرات خارقة بل يعتمد على مدى تدفق الأفكار وطريقة استغلالك لها، وهنا سوف نقدم لك بعض النصائح والمشاريع التي […]