(904) 580-4877

Dideo production is easy to come by. Just do a quick online local search or flip through your city’s phonebook and you’ll no doubt see dozens of video and film production companies and professionals readily available. But producing a video for television or DVD is a whole different animal from video production for the web. Technical aspects of shooting and editing differ from conventional production. Plus, the unique function of a website video means a highly tailored approach to script writing, shooting and editing, and making your web video searchable.


Consider this: When a search turns up blended results of both video and non-video web pages, statistics show that a video result in position four or five more often than not gets a better click-through rate than a non video result in position two or three. People love visuals – it’s that simple.They’d rather see and hear it than read it.Web video production can significantly increase the volume of traffic driven to your website for specific key words and key phrases, boost the number of impressions for particular search queries where video is considered relevant, and increase conversion rates. That means you not only get more potential customers to your website, but boost the likely hood they’ll purchase your product or service while they’re there.IT Pro Services Web Design offers on-location video production, or production utilizing virtual sets created with the same chroma key and green screen technologies widely used in the entertainment and television news industries. Call IT Pro Services at 904-677-0720 to speak with one of our veteran video production professionals about your web video today.